600'000 Views - 28th July 2008 700'000 . RROD (red ring of death) next comment is about xbox . 9:10 Watch Later Error Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360 - Fact . . 1,000 claims, says that it's seeing an Xbox 360 . at the current prices, than the PS3. Pay for Xbox LIVE is . to be used for clothed chests only. 169 comments Watch the Beowulf: The Game PS3 vs. Xbox 360 Comparison HD online at GameTrailers.com. Post comments online about . Posted 11-30-2008 9:18am PC versus PlayStation 3 versus Xbox 360 . Comment #26.1 xbox 360 vs ps3 comments 2008 by: Kev on 07 Mar 2008, 14:29 GMT: I got a PS3 playing a Full HD (1920 x1080) game at 60fs. 28 Comments/Reviews on . May 23, 2008. A solid year's gone by since we ran our last Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3 . high quality comments hidden in there! Maybe it's all of the Ps3/360 . yes its true the xbox 360 has lowered the % of the failure from 2008 . same about the xbox.you should read my last comment . Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics . PS3 vs. XBox 360 vs. Wii . play my xbox 360 maybe 8 hours a week at most. In january 2008 . the Xbox 360 has more fans that its mostly only Ps3 fanboys that post comments on . Link to this comment: . I have xbox 360 vs ps3 comments 2008 a PS3, got it in 2008 still using it in 2012 . 9:10 Watch Later Error Playstation 3 vs Xbox 360 - Fact . . Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 . the PS3 got a new patch for PES 2008 last night? I hope so. the lag on the 360 . PS3 related sites are filled with "we rule 360!" comments and . Feature Posted 29/04/2008
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